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Welcome to the Salix Application Portal


Welcome to the Digarbon application portal area. This is where you can apply for Digarbon – the decarbonisation fund for the tertiary education sector in Wales.


The new scheme provides £20m of loan funding for further and higher education institutions in Wales to support the implementation of heat decarbonisation, energy efficiency, renewable, and electric vehicle and electricity vehicle charging infrastructure measures. 


The funding is delivered by our teams at Salix and has been provided by Welsh Government . For more information see our Digarbon website area here.


To apply see here.



Croeso i ardal porth ymgeisio Digarbon. Dyma le gallwch wneud cais am Digarbon – y gronfa ddatgarboneiddio ar gyfer y sector addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru.


Mae’r cynllun newydd yn darparu £20m o gyllid benthyciad ar gyfer sefydliadau addysg bellach ac uwch yng Nghymru i gefnogi gweithredu mesurau seilwaith datgarboneiddio gwres, effeithlonrwydd ynni, adnewyddadwy, a seilwaith gwefru cerbydau trydan a cherbydau trydan.


Darperir y cyllid gan ein timau yn Salix ac fe'i darparwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Am ragor o wybodaeth gweler ein hardal gwefan Digarbon yma.


I ymgeisio gwelwch yma.

This is the Salix Application Portal where you can access your application history and apply for public sector funding schemes delivered by Salix Finance. 

Contact [email protected] for further guidance on how to use this Application Portal.